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Your Guide for Energetic Health and Wellbeing

  • Writer's pictureSancti Wellness Studio

Habits - My Case

Daily habits (good or bad) make you who you are. The small decisions and choices we make each and every day shape us for our lifetime. James Clear, says that true behavior change is really identity change. The question is Who do I want to be and how do I get there?

Personally, I want be healthy by eating healthy foods in the right amounts.

What should I pack in my suitcase CASE to help me get there?

Cues - Make the cue to yourself easy to see on a daily basis. Put apples on the counter instead of cookies. Every time you pass the counter you see an apple. Use a healthy eating app on your phone so it's the first thing you see every day. Fill the pantry and fridge with healthy foods so you can make healthy choices.

Attractive. Make what you want as a habit attractive and appealing so that you crave it daily. We are social creatures. Find like minded people to help you achieve your new habit and to support you while you support them. How about a healthy eating support group that you can meet with weekly on-line.

Satisfying if you like tea then get a cup, put on your tunes and sign into the healthy eating on-line support group. Associating positive things with the new habit will help you like the new habit. Liking something helps you to keep doing it. Rewarding yourself inspires you. Put $5 in your reward jar weekly after your on-line support group. When you have enough $$$ buy the healthy meals recipe book that you have been wanting.

Wonder if your healthy eating is working? Journal daily what you eat and how you feel. What is the trend? How about a Body Mass Index (BMI) app to help you calculate your before and after ? What does your BMI trend look like after 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, a year?

Easy going at first but work your way up. We like just the right amount of challenge, not too much and not too little. Start small....give yourself permission to eat a healthy breakfast (permission to begin) at first then move up. Week 2 eat a healthy breakfast and lunch. Week 3 eat a healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner. Week 4 stop snacking past 7 pm so your body can use that healthy food to rebuild you while you are sleeping. You determine what is too easy then move up the ladder. Short term discomfort as you learn the new habit will reap long term gains as they help you get where you want to be.

Like any good journey consistency is key. If you falter and eat a less then healthy dinner, don't fret. The next day pick up the CASE and keep marching on the Habit road to get to where you are going.

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