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Your Guide for Energetic Health and Wellbeing

  • Writer's pictureSancti Wellness Studio

Yoga... enjoy the journey

The yoga journey promotes health and wellness. Yoga originates in India and means Union. Uniting your body, mind and spirit through postures, breathing, chanting and visualization. People of all ages and stages can enjoy this practice. Classes are designed for all levels and I encourage you to try one in your community.

Postures (asanas) can be dynamic (moving) or static (holding like sitting) and help you strength and cleanse. By limbering up joints and muscles it helps you release blocked energy. Releasing blockage are like removing a log jammed in a stream. Once released the river of energy is revitalized and flows through your body. Remember not to force yourself into postures....flexibility and energy come with time and practice.

Breath control (pranayama) is like the fabric that weaves the mind, body and spirit into one piece of cloth. There are several exercises and techniques that assist the student.

Repeating sounds (mantras) helps you to meditate on a beneficial thought then action. By repeating a sound you train your mind to concentrate and create pathways in the brain to promote harmony.

At Sancti Wellness Studio we introduce your to various asanas, pranayama and mantra through your customized training plan . Yoga is a wonderful complimentary practice to treatment and training.

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