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Your Guide for Energetic Health and Wellbeing

  • Writer's pictureSancti Wellness Studio

Change to empower you

There are times in life when you wonder “what’s next?”.   It’s a potential opportunity to explore you in curiosity and kindness.   Our mind, body and soul know that something new is percolating. When this happens ask yourself “does this change add to my curiosity, health, wellbeing and higher purpose?”  If it does then it will benefit not only you but your family, friends, and broader community.   When we can let go of fear and the uncertainty of not knowing what is on the other side of a door and walk through with courage we are truly empowered to be the best we can be in that choice.

I am reminded of a time in my life where my employer was doing massive layoffs including my job.  The fear about mortgage payments, feeding and educating children without being a financial contributor to the family was screaming at me. Welling up in a bubble of uncertainty was anxiety and stress.   I needed to get some perspective on this change so I surrendered to my higher self, stopped and accepted the change.

In meditation I asked my higher self and any others who wished to assist me to open doors so I could walk through the right one honouring my talents, and interests in service to others.  I trusted that the next door to open would be the right one to go through. 

Several doors reopened or opened.  Years earlier I decided I wanted to go to Naturopathic Physician College, I had upgraded my humanities background to include the prerequisite science courses and had just applied and been accepted to a naturopathic physician college.. Surely this was the right door?  After all I had put a lot of energy into this choice and worked towards it.  Within a month of accepting my seat for the college fall session, two things happened.   My son came home from university and asked that I consider him in this decision as he wasn’t ready to move from the town he spent much of his life in.  Fair enough.  I would include him and our four legged pets in my meditations as well as my husband and I.  Three days later my husband’s transfer to Vancouver was rescinded and I rescinded my acceptance for my seat at the Naturopathic Physician College.

I continued to meditate on next steps for myself and my family. A place where I could be of service and aligned with my higher purpose. Two jobs in an area I lacked much experience in came up, both in the environment sector.  Learning to trust I applied and was offered both jobs.

I chose the senior policy advisor role in the development of new legislation for species at risk, wildlife, forests, and recycle initiatives.   This new adventure opportunity became one of the most rewarding roles in a successful and diverse public service career.  It challenged me to surrender to my higher self, expand, persevere, and serve in ways I had never would have contemplated before.

Through meditation, listening to my higher self, and being open to serving my higher purpose, a new door opened.  Aided by many others, the transition through this door was smooth and deeply rewarding.   When it was time to retire from public service the process led me to embark on a new life affirming adventure based on continued learning and service to others.  The thing about doors is when one opens another is shut.

No matter where that door takes you, I wish you a safe and rewarding journey as you cross the threshold. 

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